Articles |
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| · Relationship and impact of the use of psychoactive substances on health in Colombia Correa Muñoz, Adriana Marcela; Pérez Gómez, Augusto
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| · Factorial structure and internal consistency of the utrecht work engagement Scale (UWES) 17 among health workers of Chile Müller Gilchrist, Ralph; Exequel Pérez Villalobos, Cristhian; Ramirez Fernández, Luis
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| · Cross-cultural study with Bender Test: Gradual scoring system Marín Rueda, Fabián Javier; dos Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli; Porto Noronha, Ana Paula; Livia Segovia, José
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| · Usefulness of a program of neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory in acquired brain damage De los Reyes-Aragón, Carlos José; Rodríguez Díaz, Melissa Alejandra; Sánchez Herrera, Arturo Enrique; Gutiérrez Ruíz, Karol
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| · Behavioural research on human working memory: mixing qualitative and quantitative methods Bacigalupe, María de los Angeles; Tujague, María Paula; Späth, Griselda M.; Blas Lahitte, Héctor
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| · Sociopolitical child participation and political socialization processes: exploring with boys and girls from the city of Cordoba, Argentina Imhoff, Débora; Brussino, Silvina
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| · Differences between subgroups of students involved in bullying: victims, aggressors and aggressors-victims Valdés Cuervo, Angel Alberto; Yañez Quijada, Adrían Israel; Martínez, Ernesto Alonso Carlos
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| · Computer simulations on environmental issues in two contrast groups Sánchez Miranda, Martha Patricia; De la Garza González, Arturo; López Ramirez, Ernesto Octavio
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| · Current biopolitical on disability: inclusion strategy Martín Contino, Alejandro
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| · Comparison of t distribution variables: an application on the difference of groups to construct validity Merino Soto, César A.; Willson, Victor
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| · Paranormal experiences and their relationship with the meaning of life Parra, Alejandro; Corbetta, Juan Manuel
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| · Participation in a sector-based organizations in the Manchay human settlement of the Pachacamac District Marcelo Torres, Nohemí Estefani; Mendoza Vega, Catherine Julieth
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| · Academic, intellectual skills performance and strategies of learning in university students of Lima Kohler Herrera, Johanna Liliana
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