| Table of contents liber. vol.23 no.2 Lima jul./Dec. 2017 Articles | | | | · Psychometric properties of the «Spanish Burnout Inventory» (SBI) in a sample of Italian health professionals: a gender perspective Gil-Monte, Pedro R.; Viotti, Sara; Converso, Daniela
| | | | · Effects of gender and education on happiness in argentinian adults Auné, Sofía Esmeralda; Abal, Facundo Juan Pablo; Attorresi, Horacio Félix
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the Marlowe-Crowne social desirability scale in peruvian teachers Burga-León, Andrés; Escurra-Mayaute, Miguel
| | | | · Dissociations between emotional and linguistic prosody in patients with right hemisphere lesions Leiva, Samanta; Difalcis, Micaela; López, Cynthia; Micciulli, Andrea; Abusamra, Valeria; Ferreres, Aldo
| | | | · The role of working memory and sustained attention in explanatory inference generation Barreyro, Juan Pablo; Injoque-Ricle, Irene; Formoso, Jésica; Burin, Debora I.
| | | | · Reasons to reduce alcohol consumption in university students Conde, Karina; Peltzer, Raquel Inés; Lichtenberger, Aldana; Tosi, Lucas; Cremonte, Mariana
| | | | · Psychometric properties of the God Locus of Health Control scale in a sample of mexicans with type 2 diabetes mellitus Argüelles-Nava, Vianey Guadalupe; Dominguez-Lara, Sergio; Morales-Romero, Jaime; Lagunes-Córdoba, Roberto
| | | | · Epistemic optimism: in defense of objectivity in science Bueno-Cuadra, Roberto; Araujo-Robles, Elizabeth Dany
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