| Table of contents Rev. Digit. Invest. Docencia Univ. vol.13 no.1 Lima Jan./jun. 2019 Editorial | | | | | | | Research Articles | | | | · Emotional Intelligence in Communication Students: Comparative Study under the Competency-Based Education Model Palomino Flores, Paola; Almenara, Carlos A
| | | | · How can the Student Portfolio Help Improve Teaching Practices? Orbea-Aizpitarte, Goretti; Cruz-Iglesias, Esther; Rekalde-Rodríguez, Itziar
| | | | · Faculty Perception of a Multidisciplinary Experience: Art and Science in an Education Degree Program Folch, Carmina; Capdevila, Reina; Prat, Montserrat
| | | | · Perception of Undergraduate Students on the Natural History of the Human Being: A Case Study Aponte, Héctor; Barona, Daniel; Apeño-Arias, Antony-Javier; Hernando-Blotte, Angela-Stefany
| | | | · Qualitative differences between research training and education research in undergraduate students Barrios González, Erika Egleontina; Delgado Sánchez, Ulises; Hernández Padilla, Eduardo
| | | | · Main lines of research in the field of higher education in Peru: towards concerted prioritization Huayanay-Espinoza, Carlos A; Sánchez-Orellana, Ricardo; Flores-Cordova, Gianfranco; Béjar, Manuel; Alburqueque Chávez, Omar; Uribe-Díaz, Sebastián; Bringas-Delgado, Reynaldo; Pérez-Romero, Facundo; Zapata Gotelli, Verónica; Huicho, Luis
| | | Review Articles | | | | · Epistemic fundamentals of qualitative and quantitative research: consensus and dissensus Sánchez Flores, Fabio Anselmo
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