| Table of contents Rev. peru. ginecol. obstet. vol.61 no.4 Lima Oct./dic. 2015 Editorial | | | | | | | Original Articles | | | | · Uterine artery indexes and velocities indicators of uterine hypoperfusion in pregnant women with intrauterine growth restriction Apaza Valencia, John; Delgado Rendón, Juan
| | | | · Maternal and perinatal outcome with labor analgesia Castillo Casiano, Fidel Carlos; Rojas Martínez, Freddy; Danz Del Pozo, Javier Eduardo
| | | | · Pelvic reconstructive surgery for severe genital prolapse using anterior prosthesis with sacrospinous ligament fixation Sandoval Diaz, Ither; Hernández Alarcón, Ronald; Torres Arones, Esperanza; Solano Choque, Nisdia
| | | | · Adnexal torsion clinical characteristics and treatment: 17 years experience Carrasco, Amparo; Cañete, Patricia; Gisbert, Aitana; Balanzá, Reyes
| | | Special Articles | | | | · Sixty years of the Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, 1955-2015 Pacheco-Romero, José; Távara Orosco, Luis; Ascenzo Palacio, Alberto; Ciudad Reynaud, Antonio; Gutiérrez Ramos, Miguel; Salvador Pichilingue, Jorge; Saona Ugarte, Pedro; Ramos-Castillo, José
| | | | · Primer Editorial de la Revista Ginecología y Obstetricia, setiembre 1955 Molina Navia, Lucas; Bazul, Víctor M.; Gordillo Delboy, R.; Ascenzo Cabello, Jorge; Ponce Valdivia, E.; Castellano, Carlos; Franco, Rodrigo
| | | | · Past Directores de Ginecología y Obstetricia presentes
| | | | · Visibility and impact of the Revista Peruana de Ginecología y Obstetricia Pacheco-Romero, José; Ramos-Castillo, José
| | | Review Articles | | | | · Neurological implications of preclampsia, more than eclampsia only Lacunza Paredes, Rommel Omar; Pacheco-Romero, José
| | | Case Report | | | | · Intrapartum endotrac heal intubation in a fetus with diaphragmatic hernia. A propos of the first ex-utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) in Peru Ventura Laveriano, Walter; Huertas Tacchino, Erasmo; Limay Ríos, Oscar; Zárate Girao, Mario; Castillo Urquiaga, Walter; Coaquira Quenta, Verónica; Silva Oporto, Mary; Quispe Villanueva, Marco; Molina-Giraldo, Saulo
| | | | · Sacroccygeal teratoma: case report Miranda Flores, Alan Francis; Obando Rodríguez, Juan Aurelio
| | | Controversies in obstetrics and gynecology | | | | · Ultrasound evaluation of fetal lung maturity, is it reliable? Huamán Guerrero, Moisés; Sosa Olavarría, Alberto
| | | | · Assesment of fetal lung maturity by ultrasound: an update Albinagorta Olórtegui, Roberto; Miranda Tapia, Madeleyner
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