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I. Aim and policy of Derecho PUCP journal

Derecho PUCP journal publishes legal or interdisciplinary unpublished and original research articles, which are revised by external peers who have previously published similar researches. The evaluations are made anonymously and are about the quality and the validity of the arguments showed on the articles.
Derecho PUCP receives articles permanently, either by its institutional e-mail ( or by our virtual platform website, that uses Open Journal System

II. Ethics publication

In case of being detected a fault against the ethics academic publication during or after the process of revision of the publication of the article, the journal will behave according to the correspondent ethics publication international regulations and will take the corresponding legal action to penalize the author of the fraud.

III. Form and Preparation of the articles

III.1. General regulations

All the articles given to Derecho PUCP journal have to be about legal or interdisciplinary subjects. They have to be unpublished and original. The journal has the following categories or usual sections:
  • Main subject (or specialized subject)
  • Miscellaneous
  • Interdisciplinary
The three sections are under double-blind peer review. Our review process can be checked through the URL:

III.2. Necessary documents

Affidavit of authorship and authorization for publicationIt must be signed by all the authors and sent with the applicant article.

III.3. Characteristics of the articles

III.3.1 First page.
It has to include:
  • TITLE: in the original language of the article and in English, a short title no more than 60 characters.
  • AUTHOR’S NAME (or authors): On a footnote has to be included the institutional affiliation, the city and the country, the profession and the academic degree, and also the e-mail, and the ORCID code
  • ABSTRACT: short text in the original language of the article and in English where are showed the most important research ideas (among 200 and 400 words).
  • CONTENT: It is recorded in the original language of the article and in English. The summary of the chapters and sub-chapters that are part of the article.
  • KEY WORDS: in the original language of the article and in English (minimum 5, maximum 10)
  • If the study has been presented as a summary to a congress or as a part of a thesis, it has to be specified with the corresponding citation.
III.3.2 Paper format.
DSome aspects have to be taken into account:
  • The text must fluctuate among 7 000 to 15 000 words, size 12, Arial, one-spaced lines, A4 format, with 3 cms margins. The exceptions to this regulation have to be properly justified and be previously authorized by the general editor.
  • Record the footnotes. Size 12, Arial; double-spaced lines.
  • Use MS WORD program to write the texts.
  • Graphics and tables can be used.
  • The bibliographic references will only be those mentioned in the text and will be correlatively organized in order of appearance.
III.3.3 Bibliographic footnotes.
The bibliographic footnotes have to be updated, important, elaborated with the necessary information, without omitting any relevant reference to the study and fulfilling all the regulations of the academic ethics.
These references must be according to the APA Style (The American Psychological Association) gathered on the 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual.
That’s why the bibliographic footnotes have to be made in the text, indicating between parentheses the author’s last name, or institution, the year of publication, and the corresponding page (es); for example: (Rubio, 1999, p. 120).
And also it has to be quoted in the body text the legal regulations, the resolutions of all kind of organizations and the legal sentences, putting in parentheses the corresponding references as it is indicated below. The parenthetical references on the body text have to send us to the list of references located at the end of the document. In that list has to appear the complete information of each source quoted on the body text. Without exhausting all the indicated in the mentioned APA style sheet, a review of the main indications about the bibliographic references appears hereunder:

III.3.3.1 References in the text body

III. Textual quotations
In the case of the textual quotations, these will be incorporated to the text, if they do not exceed the forty words, and must be placed in single quotations (« »). In the case the textual quotation has an extension of forty words or more, this must appear on a new paragraph, without quotation marks and indented. If that quote has more than one paragraph, every new paragraph, starting from the second, must begin with an additional indented on the first row. It should be stressed, as it was stated on the originality article criterion, that it should be avoided the use of secondary and tertiary quotations, and also consider that the textual quotations should not exceed the fourth part of the article.

III. Paraphrases
In the case of no textual quotations, these will be done as the textual quotations, indicating the pages that the author is summarizing with his own words, with the only difference that quotations marks are not used. It is also remarkable that paraphrases that make minimum changes related to the text stated will not be accepted, only with the purpose of not using quotation marks. This is considered a plagiarism modality.

III. Reference to more than one book in the same quote
If more than one book in the same reference has been cited, the separation between these books will be done by a semicolon, for example: (García Cavero, 2014a, p. 62; Hurtado Pozo, 2015, p. 212). The books must be put in alphabetical order. In the case of being different books, but from the same author, the separation will be done by a comma, without repeating the author’s last name, for example: (Freud, 1949, pp. 115-116, 1964, p. 212). In this last case, the books must be put upwards according to their publication date.

III. Citation of books in joint authorship
When you want to cite a written book in joint authorship, the last names will be joined with the symbol «&», for example: (Cicchetti & Cohen, 1995, p. 6). Likewise, if a source has among three and five authors, all the authors’ last names must be indicated only the first time that it is cited. In the following occasions, only the first author’s last name must appear, followed by «et al.». When the source has six authors or more, only the first author’s last name will be indicated, from the first time, followed by «et al.». It is necessary to appear the complete information of all the authors in the reference list.

III. Sources without author or without publication year
If the cited text does not consign the author name, the first words that appear in the entry in the reference list will be indicated, usually the title, followed, after a comma, of the year of publication; for example: («Carlos Basombrío dispone cambios», 2017). Besides that, if the source does not have year of publication, the abbreviation «n.s.». In the case the book is in process of being published, the indication «in press» will be placed.

IIII. Classical books
When an old or classical text is cited, whose year of publication is unknown, the year of translation, or employed version must be indicated. In the first case, the abbreviation «trad.» before the year; in the second case, the word «version» after the year; for example: Aristóteles, trad. 1931) will be included. In case it is relevant to indicate the original publication year, this must be included in the reference next to the edition year being referred, separating both years with a slash «/»; for example: (James, 1890/1983).

III. Author’s omission in quotes
When the author’s name is mentioned in the text body immediately before inserting the quote, it will not be necessary to include his name in the parenthetical reference. Like this, only the year will be indicated and, eventually the cited page(s).

III. Quotes of books where author and year coincide
If author and year coincide between two cited sources, the reference is identified by small letter. This indication must also appear in the reference list. Take this example: (Baheti, 2001a).

III. Decisions, agreements, and other legal documents
The first words of the document name will be placed, in accordance with the respective entry in the reference list, followed by the publication year. For example: (Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre la Trata, 2009).

III. Case law
In the text body will be indicated the abbreviated name case (in italics), and the sentence year. For example: (Centro de Estudios c. Ministerio de Energía, 2016).

III. Regulations and Legislation
The official and /or the most useful name of the regulation will be indicated in accordance with the respective entry in the reference list, followed by the promulgation year. For example: (Ley contra la Trata de Personas, 2007).

III.3.3.2 Reference list
At the end of the document, every cited source in the text will be consigned: book, chapter of the book, journal article, translated classical book, article of a serial publication, unpublished theses, articles in a reference book, Internet content, legal documents, case law or legislation. The reference list should only include the sources being referred to in the text. Additional books consulted should not be included in this list if they had not been mentioned in the text body. Some examples for the different sources types are listed below.

III. Book
It will have the following structure: Author, A.A. (year). Title (edition number, if it is different from the first one, or any other additional information about the edition). City: Publisher.
Chaumon, F. (2004). La ley, el sujeto y el goce (V. Ackerman, trad.). Buenos Aires: Nueva Visión.

III. Chapter of the book
It will have the following structure: Author, A. A. (year). Title of the chapter. In P. Publisher (Pub.), Book title (chapter pages). City: Publisher.
Sameroff, A. J., & Fiese, B. H. (2000). Models of development and developmental risk. En C. H. Zeanah (Ed.), Handbook of infant mental health (2.a ed., pp. 3-19). Nueva York: Guilford Press.

III. Institutions as authors
It will have the following structure: group or institution full name (year). Title (document number, if applied). City: Publisher/Restored from URL
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2003). Managing asthma: A guide for schools (NIH Publication No. 02-2650). Recuperado de

III. Republished classical book
In the case it is considered relevant to indicate the original year of publication, the entry in the reference list will have the following structure: Author, A. (year of translation or cited version). Title of the chapter (additional edition information. En P. Publisher (Pub.), Book title (chapter pages). City: Publisher. (Reedition of the original edition title, chapter pages, by P. Publisher, Pub., original publication year, City: Publisher).
Piaget, J. (1988). Extracts from Piaget’s theory (G. Gellerier & J. Langer, trads.). En K. Richardson & S. Sheldon (Eds.), Cognitive development to adolescence: A reader (pp. 3-18). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. (Reimpresión de Manual of child psychology, pp. 703-732, por P. H. Mussen, Ed., 1970, Nueva York: Wiley).

III. Article in serial publication
It will have the following structure: Author, A. (year). Title of the article. Title of the daily or weekly magazine, Volume (number), pages. doi: xxx.xxxxx. It should be considered that all the articles include its code DOI or a permanent URL; final point will not be placed after this information.
Stone, G. R. (2003). Civil liberties in wartime. Journal of Supreme Court History, 28(3), 215-251. doi:10.1111/1540-5818.00065

III. Internet sources
It will have the following structure: Author, A. (year). Title. Recovered from the website: URL.
Banco Central de Reserva del Perú (2015). Reporte de estabilidad financiera: Noviembre de 2015. Recuperado del sitio web del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú, Publicaciones y Seminarios:

III. Unpublished thesis
It will have the following structure: Author, A. (año). Title (unpublished obtained postgraduate thesis). University or Institution, Place. If the thesis is available in a database, indicate the relevant information between parentheses at the end of the reference.
Sánchez Montenegro, J. P. (2011). Las Fuerzas Armadas y el estado de emergencia como instrumento de su recuperación institucional durante el período 2001-2010 (Tesis inédita de Licenciatura en Ciencia Política). Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima.

III. Article in a reference book
It will have the following structure: Author, A. (año). Title (unpublished obtained postgraduate thesis). University or Institution, Place. If the thesis is available in a database, indicate the relevant information between parentheses at the end of the reference.
Sánchez Montenegro, J. P. (2011). Las Fuerzas Armadas y el estado de emergencia como instrumento de su recuperación institucional durante el período 2001-2010 (Tesis inédita de Licenciatura en Ciencia Política). Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima.

III. Decisions, agreements and other legal documents
Every administrative or from an international organization decision must be consigned that had been cited in the text, as well as agreements, pacts, and other legal documents. The entry in the reference list will have the following structure: document full name, official code if applied (year).
Informe de la Relatora Especial sobre la trata de personas, especialmente mujeres y niños, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, ante la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, A/64/290 (2009).

III. Case law
Every cited case that comes from a national, international or foreign court must be consigned. The arbitral awards will be also considered in this section. The entry in the reference list will have the following structure: Name of the case, reference to the publication, or number of file where the decision is located (Court and Court room if applied, full date).
Centro de Estudios para la Promoción de la Igualdad y la Solidaridad y otros c. Ministerio de Energía y Minería, Fallos (2016-339-1077) (Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación [Argentina], 18 de agosto de 2016).

III. Rules and legislation
Every rule or cited law will be consigned either national, international or foreign. It will have the following structure: Rule’s full name, body issuing, rule code, Bulletin or equivalent where the regulation was published with publication information (year of enactment).
Ley contra la Trata de Personas y el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes, Congreso de la República del Perú, Ley n.o 28950, Diario Oficial El Peruano (16 de enero de 2007) (2007).



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