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Basic Information

Propositos y Representaciones, Journal of Educational Psychology, is a bilingual research journal of the Psychology Department of the San Ignacio de Loyola University, destined to the publication of research articles, review articles, and reviews related to the field of educational psychology in the national and international scope.

Periodicity: Continuous publication (since 2024).

Short title: Propos. represent.





Indexed in



The journal is indexed, summarized and registered in:

  • SciELO Peru, Scientific Electronic Library Online.

  • PROQUEST, Psychology Database.

  • EBSCO, Academic Search Ultimate.

  • DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals.

  • Dialnet, Portal for the Dissemination of Hispanic Scientific Production.

  • REDIB, Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge.

  • ERIHPLUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

  • CLASE, Latin American Quotes in Social Sciences and Humanities.

  • IRESIE, Index of Journals of Higher Education and Educational Research.

  • BIBLAT, Latin American bibliography in scientific and social research journals.

  • MIAR, Information Matrix for Journal Analysis.

  • Latindex, Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals in Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.

  • Crossref, Journal article metadata search engine.

  • BASE, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine.

  • CORE, COnnecting REpositories.

  • Dimensions.

  • Google Scholar, Academic search engine.

  • ROAD, Directory of Open Access Scientific and University Resources.

  • ESCI, Emerging Sources Citation Index de Web of Science (indexed until 2022).

  • ERIC, Education Resources Information Center (indexed until 2021).

  • Sherpa/Romeo, Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving.

  • Scielo Citation Index, Web of Science collection including journals from SciELO Peru.









San Ignacio de Loyola University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Psychology Department, Lima, Peru.









Psychology Career, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola. Lima, Peru.


All articles published in Propositos y Representaciones are distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License.


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© Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

La Fontana Ave. 550. La Molina
Lima - Peru
Phone: (511) 317-1000