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Instructions to the authors





Articles submitted for publishing must be sent through the Open Journal System (OJS) platform available at Authors must sign in and then follow the steps indicated (download tutorial). Additionally, they must submit a publication and distribution authorization letter (download letter) and a statement of originality (download statement) to the RIDU Director and Editor with the article title and authors, indicating the unpublished nature of the manuscript, as well as the commitment to not submit it simultaneously to other publications. The manuscripts must be sent to the following e-mails: and

The contributions published in RIDU abide by the Digital Content Publishing Policies of Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). These standards establish that UPC respects the authorship moral rights (copyright). Similarly, they state that the patrimonial rights are assigned to UPC with the objective of spreading and sharing the contributions among the journal readers. RIDU also allows the use of Creative Commons licenses, offering the digital contribution authors the possibility to specify how readers can use their material.

In order to be published, the articles shall adhere, both in format and contents, to the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition in English/Portuguese and 3rd edition in Spanish.

Contributions are accepted in Spanish, English and Portuguese.

IMPORTANT: Authors are advised to carefully check the manuscript using the self-review checklist before sending it.


The following types of contributions are accepted for publishing, according to the journal's thematic line (Focus and Scope):

  1. Original Articles: Unpublished articles presenting the results of final research works that are also a contribution to the scientific knowledge (empirical investigation)

  2. Review Articles: Articles that present the state of the art, critical reflections and proposals related to the journal topics.

  3. Methodological Articles: Articles that present new methodologies for the study of a phenomenon in the higher education area, modification to existing methods or new approaches to analyze data in the area of higher education research

  4. Faculty Experiences: Articles aimed at presenting educational practices developed by the faculty that enrich the teaching process thanks to the innovative strategies used

  5. Publication Reviews: Review summaries of books, journals, portals, and others, related to the educational and university activity

Every original article must have the following structure:

Articles shall have an extension of 15 to 25 pages; all the contributions must be submitted in a text processing software (Word), rtf format, version 6.0 or higher. The text shall have a 1.5 line spacing Font type 12-point Times New Roman. The pages shall be numbered including introduction, text, references, figures, tables and appendixes.

The first page shall contain the following:

  1. Complete title (no more that 15 words) in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Authors' information: name, academic degree, e-mail, current occupation, institution or entity they belong to (Department or Area, School, Name of institution or University, City and Country), telephone number, e-mail, mailing address and ORCID number. It is prescriptive to be registered in the International Register of Researchers (ORCID:

The second page shall contain:

  1. An abstract with no more than 150 words in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Key words (5 as maximum) describing the document contents in Spanish/Portuguese and in Englis They shall be based on the UNESCO Thesaurus (

On the following pages:

  • Text: Regarding contents, the articles shall be organized in the following manner, introduction, methodology, results and discussion.

  • The Introduction provides the rationale for the importance and relevance of the study. It explains why, how and to what end is this study being conducted and how it will contribute to the advancement of knowledge. Additionally, it presents the theoretical framework, based on the use of relevant and updated literature on the issue; it is the state of the art regarding the variables involved, as well as the postulates of the schools of thought in reference to their mutual relations and with other surrounding variables. It concludes with the presentation of the general purpose of the study and the research hypothesis, if necessary.

  • The Methodology shall include the following sections: Design (will depend on the research problem), participants (shall consider the target population characteristics and the corresponding sample, including the sampling procedure), data collection techniques (description of measurement instruments, report of psychometric properties, validity evidences and reliability if necessary), procedure (steps taken from the sampling procedure up to the analysis of results). Only for qualitative studies, the context must be described after the Design section.

  • The Results present the tables and figures that support the study, considering the objectives and hypothesis. Only in the case of qualitative studies, this section can be integrated into the Discussion section.
    The Discussion includes a support of the data in light of other studies, theoretical models, etc. Conclusions, limitations and recommendations are included.

  • References: Articles shall have references according to the text. Otherwise, intellectual plagiarism can be incurred into, so it will be the author(s) sole responsibility any non-compliance of this rule and will be subject to sanctions established by the applicable law.

  • Appendices: Included optionally in the article. More detailed information can be presented about any aspect described in the text; for example, a complete list of incentives applied, measurement instruments used, specific instructions given to participants, more detailed tables of results, additional analysis to those presented, etc.

The review articles shall contain the following information:

Regarding the format, they shall have an extension between 15 and 25 pages. All the contributions shall be submitted in text processing software (Word), rtf format, version 6.0 or more recent. The text shall have a 1.5 line spacing; and the font type shall be 12-point Times New Roman. The pages shall be numbered, including introduction, body text, references and appendices.

The first page shall include:

  1. Complete title (no more that 15 words) in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Authors' information: name, academic degree, e-mail, current occupation, institution or entity they belong to (Department or Area, School, Name of institution or University, City and Country), telephone number, e-mail, mailing address and ORCID number. It is prescriptive to be registered in the International Register of Researchers (ORCID:

The second page shall contain:

  1. An abstract with no more than 150 words in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Key words (5 as maximum) describing the document contents in Spanish/Portuguese and in English. They shall be based on the UNESCO Thesaurus (

On the following pages:

  • Text: Regarding contents, the articles shall be organized in the following way: introduction, body text and conclusions.

  • References: Articles shall have the references corresponding to the text. Otherwise, intellectual plagiarism can be incurred into, so it will be the author(s) sole responsibility any non-compliance of this rule and will be subject to sanctions established by the applicable law.

The methodological articles shall contain the following information:

Regarding the format, they shall have an extension of no more than 15 pages, all the contributions shall be submitted in text processing software (Word), rtf format, version 6.0 or more recent. The text shall have a 1.5 line spacing; and the font type shall be 12-point Times New Roman. The pages shall be numbered including introduction, body, conclusions, references and appendices.

The first page shall include:

  1. Complete title (no more that 15 words) in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Authors' information: name, academic degree, e-mail, current occupation, institution or entity they belong to (Department or Area, School, Name of institution or University, City and Country), telephone number, e-mail, mailing address, and ORCID number. It is prescriptive to be registered in the International Register of Researchers (ORCID:

The second page shall contain:

  1. An abstract with no more than 150 words in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Key words (5 as maximum) describing the document contents in Spanish/Portuguese and in English They shall be based on the UNESCO Thesaurus (

On the following pages:

  • Text: Regarding contents, the articles shall be organized in the following way: introduction (explanation of the problem that motivates presentation of the technique), the body text (technique presentation, application example ) and conclusions. In the event that there is a computer complement to technique submitted, it shall be uploaded to the system as complementary file.

  • References: Regarding citations, all the pieces shall include references corresponding to the text. Otherwise, intellectual plagiarism can be incurred into, so it will be the author(s) sole responsibility any non-compliance of this rule and will be subject to sanctions established by the applicable law.

The faculty experiences must contain the following information:

Regarding the format, they shall have an extension of no more than 15 pages, all the contributions shall be submitted in text processing software (Word), rtf format, version 6.0 or more recent. The text shall have a 1.5 line spacing; and the font type shall be 12-point Times New Roman. The pages shall be numbered including introduction, body, conclusions, references and appendices.

The first page shall include:

  1. Complete title (no more that 15 words) in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Authors' information: name, academic degree, e-mail, current occupation, institution or entity they belong to (Department or Area, School, Name of institution or University, City and Country), telephone number, e-mail, mailing address, and ORCID number. It is prescriptive to be registered in the International Register of Researchers (ORCID:

The second page shall contain:

  1. An abstract with no more than 150 words in Spanish/Portuguese and in English

  2. Key words (5 as maximum) describing the document contents in Spanish/Portuguese and in English They shall be based on the UNESCO Thesaurus (

On the following pages:

  • Text: Regarding contents, the articles shall be organized in the following way: introduction, body text and conclusions.

  • References: Regarding citations, all the pieces shall include references corresponding to the text. Otherwise, intellectual plagiarism can be incurred into, so it will be the author(s) sole responsibility any non-compliance of this rule and will be subject to sanctions established by the applicable law.

The publication reviews shall contain the following information:

  • Information about the publication: type (book, journal, portal, etc.), title, authors, publisher, place of publication, year, other publishing information (page numbers in case of book articles).

  • Review summary: It must contain a brief description of the paper and a reflection about its relation to the journal's thematic line.

  • Images (front page, etc.) must be sent in a .jpg file with good quality resolution

  • Information about the review author: name, academic degree, current occupation, e-mail, telephone number and mailing address

  • Maximum length: 5 pages


When citing, the APA guidelines must be followed (

Any annotations included as footnotes shall have a numeric sequence, making an effort to keep them at a minimum and brief. The use of footnotes must be avoided for bibliographical references.

In the text:

Below are some examples for the citation on an author or authors.

a) Single-author articles:

- Cruz (2005) analyzes changes in the teaching culture…

- In a study from 2005, Cruz investigates about the changes occurred in the teaching culture…

- Changes in the teaching culture (Cruz, 2005)…

b) Multiple-author articles:

- When the articles have two authors, both must be cited every time the reference appears.

- When the reference has three to five authors, all are cited in the first reference. For the following citations in the same article, only the last name of the first author shall be mentioned, followed by the abbreviation et al. and the publication year.

Alcover, Martínez, Rodríguez and Domínguez (2004) support that… (first citation)

Alcover et al. (2004) support that… (second citation)

- If the article to be cited has more than 6 authors, from the first citation, only the last name of the first author followed by et al., together with the publication year shall be cited.

- When citing different authors inside one parenthesis, these must be ordered alphabetically.

- When the quoted cite inside a text contains less than 40 words, it shall be written between quotation marks and inside the same paragraph. However, if it contains more than 40 words, it shall be placed in a separate paragraph, without quotation marks and with a 5-space indentation.

At the end of the text:

- They shall be ordered alphabetically by the authors' last names, followed by the name initials.

- Typed at double space and with hanging indent.

- A comma "," is used to separate names and "&" is used on the last author.

- For electronic documents, the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) shall be included (if any). It is prescriptive to indicate in the reference list the DOI number of all sources having one.

- All journals and books without a DOI number must be included with their corresponding link (in their online version). All web addresses included must be shortened in the manuscript using Google URL Shortener (, except for DOI numbers, which must be included in their respective format.


a) Non-Periodical Publications: Books

- Single author:

Borrell, F. (2004). Cómo trabajar en equipo. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

- Two or more authors:

Alcover, C., Martínez, D., Rodríguez, F. & Domínguez, R. (2004). Introducción a la Psicología del Trabajo. Madrid: McGraw-Hill.

- Corporate author (institutions, associations, among others):

American Psychological Association. (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th. ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author.

- Chapter inside a book:

Schwartz, S. H. (2001). ¿Existen aspectos universales en la estructura y contenido de los valores humanos? In M. Ros & V.V. Gouveia (Ed.), Psicología Social de los valores humanos. Desarrollos teóricos, metodológicos y aplicados (pp. 53-77). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.

- Electronic book:

Kurland, P. B. & Lerner, R. (Comps.) (1987). The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago. Retrieved from:

b) Periodical Publications: Journals

- Article with DOI:

Herbst-Damm, K. L. & Kulik, J. A. (2005). Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Health Psychology, 24(2), 225-229. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.2.225-

Single-Author Article

Stewart, J. (1995). Counseling Individuals who Experience Career Decision-Making Difficulties. Journal Guidance & Counselling, 10(4), 52-55.

- Two-Author Article:

Manassero, M. A. & Vázquez, A. (1995). La atribución causal como determinante de las expectativas. Psicothema, 7(2), 361-376.

- Article with Six or More Authors

Cámara, A., Abril, A., Díaz, E., Gutiérrez, F., Párraga, J., Romero, M., et al. (2011). Análisis de competencias en la formación de maestros a través del Practicum. Revista de Docencia Universitaria, 9(2), 51-70.

- Articles Published on the Internet:

Tejada, J. (2005).El trabajo por competencias en el practicum: cómo organizarlo y cómo evaluarlo. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa, 7(2), 1‐31. Retrieved from

c) Doctoral Dissertations and Master Theses

- Non-Published Thesis:

Carlbom, P. (2000). Carbody and passengers in rail vehicle dynamics (Doctoral Thesis). Instituto Tecnológico Royal, Estocolmo, Suecia.

- Thesis Published on the Web:

Buckman, A. (1997). MOOSE Crossing: Construction, Community, and Learning in a Networked Virtual World for Kids (Doctoral Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Retrieved from


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.

Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.


Names and e-mails in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by the journal and will not be available for any other purposes or people.



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Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Av. Prolongación Primavera 2390 Monterrico - Santiago de Surco, Lima 33 - Perú

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