ISSN 1727-9933
versión online

ISSN 1561-0837
  versión impresa

Instructions to the authors


Scope and political editing

The Journal of Biology publishes complete, original and unprecedented articles in the issues of biodiversity, biotechnology, ecology, environmental management, and biomedicine. The Peruvian Journal of Biology is an arbitrated scientific publication; works received are evaluated by members of the Advisory Committee and external referees according to criteria for creativity, originality, and contribution to the knowledge. It has a semiannual periodicity and the issues appear in August and December, both in their printed version and On-line.

Manuscript preparation

1. Works can be presented in English or Spanish.

2. Works will be evaluated by referees according to international criteria for quality, creativity, originality, and contribution to the knowledge. The work will be accepted after the peer review process and the indicated modifications have been carried out. The accepted article will be published and a test sent to the author for acceptance and consent of publication.

3. Work should be presented together with a letter addressed to the Editing Chief, signed by the one responsible for the work, with whom contact will be established, indicating in addition the unprecedented, original and complete character of the work presented and its consent for review and publication.

4. We prefer that the works be sent by E-mail to the Editing Chief. The files should be sent in accordance with the indicated guidelines in the present document.

5. The work can also be sent by regular mail; in this case, in triplicate and in addition the appropriate digital files. The article includes the text, with the pages numbered correlatively. The illustrations, in separate sheets, include the tables and figures.

6. The text of the article should be written in Courier font 12 points, double space, in A4 paper. In general, all the articles should have: Title (in English and Spanish), name, and surname of the authors, institution of the authors, mailing address, and E-mail of the authors Summary of no more than 250 words (in English and Spanish), 5 key words (in English and Spanish).

7. The title should not exceed 20 words and it should express the real content of the work, if a generic or specific name is included, the taxa of reference should be indicated.

8. The acknowledgments should be devoted only to people and institutions that collaborated directly in the realization of the work.

9. The Journal has the following sections:

a. Original works. They are primary articles, unprecedented that indicate the results of research projects and constitute contributions to the knowledge. They should contain the following parts: Title, authors, Summary (in English and Spanish), key words (in English and Spanish), Introduction, Material, and methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and cited Literature. All the articles should have an average text of 20 pages; the illustrations should only be those necessary for a better exposure of the results.

b. Scientific notes. They are primary articles, reports of results whose information is of interest for the scientific community. Partial or incomplete works are not accepted. The length of the text should not exceed 8 pages. This section should have the following parts: Title, authors, Summary (in English and Spanish), key words (in English and Spanish), body of the Note, Acknowledgements and cited Literature.

c. Review articles. They are primary articles, in this section works that constitute an exhaustive review of the topic of research of the author, thesis, taxonomic revisions, and recapitulations are included here. They should have the following parts: Title, authors, Summary (in English and Spanish), key words (in English and Spanish), Introduction, body of the review, Acknowledgements, and cited Literature. All the articles should have an average text of 35 pages. The illustrations should only be those necessary for a better exposure of the results.

d. Observations. They are articles for discussion and comments on subjects or concepts of interest for the scientific community. Assays of opinion and monographs are included here. They should have the following parts: Title, authors, body of the observation, and Cited Literature. All the articles should have an average text of 10 pages.

e. Observations of Books. They are articles that comment on recent publications of interest for the scientific community. The preparation of an observation can be requested to the Editing Committee by sending two copies of the book to the mailing address of the Peruvian Journal of Biology.

10. When the article deals with experiments with humans and animals, the procedures should follow the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 and the Peruvian laws (Law 27265). The pertinent and afore-mentioned declarations should be presented in the text of the work.

11. When the article deals with new species, new registries, biogeographical expansions, or taxonomic inventories, the deposit of the specimens in a taxonomic reference center should be indicated, indicating voucher number of voucher or catalogue.

12. When the specimens have been collected in protected areas, the respective permissions of collection or authorizations should be indicated.

13. The scientific names of the gender and species should go in italics. The first time an agency is cited, its full scientific name should appear (gender, species and author); subsequently, only the initial of the generic name and the full specific name can be cited.

14. The symbols of the International System of Measures units should be used. If measures in other systems should be added, the corresponding abbreviations should be defined in the text. Decimals with comma, not period (correct example: 0,5; incorrect: 0.5).

15. The references in the text should include the surname of the author and year without commas (example: (Carrillo 1988) or «... in accordance with Sánchez (1976)…» or when several references are presented, they should be separated by commas (Chávez and Castro 1998, Río 1999, Piedra 2001). If there are several works of an author in a single year, it should be cited with a letter in sequence added after the year (example: Castro 1952a). When there are more than two authors, the first author should be cited and et al should be placed without comma (Example: (Smith et al. 1981) or «according to Smith et al. (1981) »).

16. The Literature will include all the references cited in the text and placed only in alphabetical order and without numbers. Reference starts with the surname of the first author, without comma, the initials of the name with periods and without space. The second and third author should have the initials of the name and then the surname. The last author is differentiated by the & symbol that precedes him. If more than three authors, they can be indicated with the abbreviation et al. In the literature only use letter type normal, non-cursive, nobold, no versalita.


a. Montgomery G.G., R.C. Best & M. Yamakoshi. 1981. A radio-tracking study of the American manatee Trichechus inunguis (Mammalia: Sirenia). Biotropica 13: 81 -85.

b. Buhrnheim C.M. & L.R. Malabarba. 2006. Redescription of the type species of Odontostilbe Cope, 1870 (Teleostei: Characidae: Cheirodontinae), and description of three new species from the Amazon basin. Neotrop. ichthyol. 4 (2): 167-196.

c. Nogueira R.M.R., M.P. Miagostovich, H. G. Schatzmayr, et al. 1995. Dengue type 2 outbreak in the south of the State of Bahia, Brazil: laboratorial and epidemiological studies. Rev. Inst. Med. trop. S. Paulo 37 (6): 507-510.

d. McLachlan A. & A.C Brown. 2006. The Ecology of Sandy Shores. Elsevier Science & Technology Books. 373pp.

e. Crawford D.J. 1983. Phylogenetic and systematic inferences from electrophoretic studies. In: S.D. Tanksley and T.J. Orton, eds. Isozymes in plant genetics and breeding, Part A. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Pp. 257-287.

f. Pianka E.R. 1978. Evolutionary ecology. 2nd edn. New York: Harper & Row.

g. Carroll S.B. 2005. Evolution at Two Levels: On Genes and Form. PLoS Biol 3(7): e245. < >. Acceso 31/07/2005.

h. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA). 2001. Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance. Third Edition June 2001. <> (acceso 24/12/07).

i. CONAM. 2005. (en línea). Informe nacional del estado del ambiente 2001. <>. Acceso 31/07/2005.

j. IMARPE. 2002. (en línea). Segundo informe del BIC José Olaya Balandra. Paita – Salaverry. 24 febrero- 05 Marzo 2002. <>. Acceso 01/07/2005.

k. Solari S.A. 2002. Sistemática de Thylamys (mammalia: didelphimorphia: marmosidae). Un estudio de las poblaciones asignadas a Thylamys elegans en Perú. Tesis, Magíster en Zoología, mención Sistemática y Evolución. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. <>. Acceso 31/07/2005

17. The article in press should include the volume, the year, and the name of the journal where they will be published; otherwise they should be omitted.

18. References should be avoided to summaries of academic events (congresses and others) and personal communications.

19. Figures (maps, schemes, diagrams, drawings, figures, photos, etc.) will be numbered correlatively with Arabic numbers as well as the Tables. The legends of the figures should be presented aside from the text in separate sheets and should be sufficiently explanatory. Each table should take a descriptive title in the upper part.

20. When the work is sent by postal mail, the figures will be presented in Canson paper and with Chinese ink, in A4 size, on white cardboard. The photographs should have 15x10 size cm at least, in smooth paper, with wide spectrum of tones and good contrast, on a white A4cardboard. Costs for photographs in color should be assumed by the author.

21. The drawings and structure and agency photos should take a graphic scale to facilitate the increase. Maps should take the respective coordinates.

22. If the figures were scanned, they should be kept in a TIFF file, natural size, 600 dpi. The figures of electronic origin should be sent in original editable format (file.xls, file.wmf, file.svg, file.eps). The maps in SHP format. Digital camera photos in JPGE format of more than 3 Mpixel. Other independent files in TIFF, BMP, AI, PSD format. Costs for illustrations in color will be assumed by the author.

23. The files should be presented separately, that is, a file with the text and legends in MS-Word format. Another file for the tables in MS-Excel or as tables in MS-Word. Other files in original formats, not as images inserted in other files (for example do not send images affixed in a sheet of MS-Word or Excel).

24. The forwarded material will not be returned, which means that the authors should take their precautions.

25. A test of the work reviewed, published and diagrammed in addition to the cost for printing will be sent to the author for approval.

26. The principal author can request four copies from the journal. An issue of additional reprints can be requested before the printing taking into account the respective costs.

Shipment of manuscripts

Leonardo Romero
Peruvian Journal of Biology
School of Biological Sciences UNMSM
Postal Box: 11-0058 Lima-11

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