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vol.26 número4Evaluación de Tres Programas de Vacunación Contra Laringotraqueítis Infecciosa Aviar Usando Dos Vacunas Vectorizadas Comerciales en Pollos de EngordeInmunidad Celular en Ganado Vacuno Lechero Naturalmente Infectado con Fasciola hepatica en Cajamarca, Perú índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Perú

versão impressa ISSN 1609-9117


LOPEZ L, Lupe et al. Economic impact of avian infectious laryngotracheitis in a broilers farm in Lima, Perú. Rev. investig. vet. Perú [online]. 2015, vol.26, n.4, pp.630-636. ISSN 1609-9117.

The aim of this study was to quantify the economic impact of avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) on productive and economic performance of broilers. Two batches of 35 000 broilers each up to 49 days of age were evaluated. The first batch was affected for ILT while the other was not affected. A survey was conducted to collect information about productive data, biosecurity and production cost per batch, as well as additional costs related to the control of the disease. The economic impact was evaluated by comparing data from both batches using a stochastic distribution model with the risk analysis program @Risk 5.1®. Besides, a statistical analysis was done to determine difference between productivedata of thetwobatches. In theonewith ILT themortalityincreased by3.51% and feed conversion rateby16.8%, whiletheproductiveefficiencydecreasedby27.3%compared with the batch without ILT. The total economical loses due the disease were S/. 88,805. The risk analysis showed a range of losses from S/. 28,800.00 to S/. 149,300.00 for the 35 000 broilers with ILT.

Palavras-chave : avian infectious laryngotracheitis; broilers; economic impact.

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