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vol.41 número1Lenguas y dialectos pano del Purús: una aproximación filogenéticaLa adquisición de oposiciones en bilingües castellano-quechua y quechua-castellano índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


CARPIO, María Belén  e  GONZALEZ, Raúl Eduardo. Evidencialidad y modalidad epistémica en dos variedades de toba habladas en Formosa, Argentina. Lexis [online]. 2017, vol.41, n.1, pp.121-147. ISSN 0254-9239.

This paper analyzes morphosyntactic strategies that encode evidentiality and epistemic modality in eastern and western Toba (Formosa, Argentina), from the functional typological perspective (Chafe 1986; Bybee et al. 1994; Givón 2001; De Haan 2001, 2005; Aikhenvald 2004; etc.). In eastern Toba, a reportative derived from a grammaticalyzed ‘say’-verb, and the use of two epistemic adverbs -ʔegoʔ~ʔekoʔ ‘apparently’ and yataqta ‘certainly’- are described. In western Toba, demonstrative roots plus the prefix ho-, after the modified element (noun, verb, adverb, or clause), are analyzed as a strategy of encoding epistemic modality, specifically low subjective certainty.

Palavras-chave : information source; epistemic certainty; morphosyntactic strategies; Toba varieties from Formosa.

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