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vol.42 número2Desarrollo de la competencia léxica a través de estrategias de aprendizaje de vocabulario en aprendientes* de inglés como lengua extranjeraTestimonio y ficción en la narrativa argentina índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


ADUR, Lucas. Un dios despedazado y disperso: imágenes de Jesús en la obra de Borges. Lexis [online]. 2018, vol.42, n.2, pp.327-367. ISSN 0254-9239.

From his first expressionist poems in the 1920s to "Cristo en la cruz" (1985), the figure of Jesus Christ is recurrent in Borges’ work. Sometimes treated with irony, but generally an object of fascination and singular agnostic fervor, Jesus appears as an inescapable figure. In this article I will analyze the representations of Jesus in Borges’ work. I will focus on three images that I consider to be the most relevant ones. First, the Crucified, an image that emphasizes Christ’s humanity by denying - or at least suspending - his divinity. Second, the poet, the greatest of the oral masters, creator of splendid metaphors, and the object of an aesthetic and ethical appreciation. And third, the Incarnate Word, the God who becomes man. As I will attempt to show, these images of Jesus can also be related to some core elements in Borges’ poetics.

Palavras-chave : Borges; crucified; master and poet; incarnate Word.

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