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versão impressa ISSN 0254-9239


ORDUZ RODRIGUEZ, Frank Alexander. El Patio de los Vientos Perdidos by Roberto Burgos Cantor: Aspects of the Novel of the Enchantment Of Interiority. Lexis [online]. 2022, vol.46, n.2, pp.745-772.  Epub 22-Dez-2022. ISSN 0254-9239.

This article studies El patio de los vientos perdidos (1984), the first novel by Colombian writer Roberto Burgos Cantor. From the parameters of The novel of the enchantment of interiority, a category proposed by Hélène Pouliquen (2018), it shows how the moments of plenitude oppose radical skepticism. Thus, it examines how paradigms that organize an ethic of interiority operate in the novel, where the characters experience moments of fullness despite their difficult realities.

Palavras-chave : El patio de los vientos perdidos; Roberto Burgos Cantor; The novel of the enchantment of interiority.

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