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vol.28 número especialAportes al conocimiento de los Laniatores (Arachnida: Opiliones: Grassatores) del departamento de Loreto, PerúEl género Eurysternus Damlan, 1824 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Oniticellini) del departamento de Loreto, Perú índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Peruana de Biología

versión On-line ISSN 1727-9933


GRADOS*, Juan  y  RAMIREZ, Juan José. Annotated list of the Euchromiina “wasp moths” (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Arctiini) from the department of Loreto (Peru), with the report of new records and synonyms. Rev. peru biol. [online]. 2021, vol.28, n.spe, e21906.  Epub 30-Dic-2021. ISSN 1727-9933.

For the department of Loreto, 113 species of Euchromiina (Lepidoptera: Arctiinae) are recorded. In addition, 9 new records are reported for Peru: Sphecosoma abnormis, Isanthrene profusa, Autochloris collocata, A. consociata, Andrenimorpha lycopolis, Leucotmemis torrida, Cosmosoma contracta, Pseudomya biradiata and P. cretheis. Two new synonyms are proposed: Diptilon aurantiipes Rothschild as a junior synonym for Sphecosoma abnormis Hampson; Isanthrene flavizonata Gaede as a junior synonym for Tigrinadia quadricincta Kaye. This last species for now is known only from Peru. A new type of androconial organ is described in the ventral part of the abdomen.

Palabras clave : Amazonia; new record; new synonym; androconial organ; taxonomy.

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