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versión impresa ISSN 2219-7168


CARPIO VALENCIA, Fortunato Edmundo. The value chain to optimize the production of Alpaca fiber in the company Sais Sollocota Ltda. N°. 5 - Peru. Comuni@cción [online]. 2017, vol.8, n.2, pp.125-136. ISSN 2219-7168.

The research proposes to know the current situation in the exploitation of alpacas and the activities involved in the production of fiber. The objectives are to analyze the situation of the sector and the main activities of the Value Chain to optimize the production of fiber in the SAIS Sollocota enterprise located in Azangaro Puno Region. The methods used are descriptive, explanatory and mixed; the techniques of observation and documentary review are applied to know their situation. The results show that 87% of the alpaca population is found in Peru, and, in Puno is 39.61% of the same; themain activities of the Value Chain to optimize fiber production are production and marketing. In 2016, the enterprise has 5,214 alpacas, conformed by 16.84% tuis females, 43.34% mothers and 9.13% fathers. Technical indexes: empadre 6%, natality 65.55% mortality 11.56%, saca 35.05%, fiber production pounds: tuis 3.8, mothers 5.5, parents 7. Production obtained 22,690 pounds, sold directly to industrials. It is concluded that the knowledge of the situation of the sector and the relevant activities of the Value Chain allows to optimize the production of fiber and to generate greater utility

Palabras clave : Value chain; alpaca fiber; activities; flock structure; production and marketing.

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