Our commitment to ethical principals Moscoso, Manolete S.
Confirmatory factor analysis of the multicultural anger expression and hostility inventory Moscoso, Manolete S.; Merino-Soto, César; Dominguez-Lara, Sergio; Chau, Cecilia B.; Claux, Mary
Effect of the size of the sample in the analysis of evocations for social representations Wachelke, João; Wolter, Rafael; Rodrigues Matos, Fabíola
Scale of moral educational conceptions (SMEC) Caetano, Luciana Maria; Costa Coelho de Souza, Maria Thereza; da Silva, Dirceu
Affection and its dimensions: Models contrasted through confirmatory factor analysis of PANAS Schedule Flores Kanter, Pablo Ezequiel; Medrano, Leonardo Adrián
Intrafamily violence against the elderly: Systematic review de Medeiros Pinheiro Cachina, Alanna; Lemos De Paiva, Ilana; De Lucena Torres, Tatiana
Activities in adolescence: Optimal experiences and self-perceptions Calero, Alejandra Daniela
Transcultural adaptation of Kidcope to portuguese (Brazil) Guerra Pereira, Hedyanne; da Silva Maia, Rodrigo; Augusta Hazin, Izabel; Chaves Maia, Eulália Maria
Test anxiety inventory-State: Preliminary analysis of validity and reliability in psychology college Dominguez-Lara, Sergio
Hierarchy of values between religious high school students and secular ones in Lima GarcÃa Anchorena, Raiza; Grimaldo Muchotrigo, Mirian; Manzanares Medina, Eduardo Luis
Psychological characteristics and mental health problems in mexican students: A structural analysis Juárez-GarcÃa, Arturo; Neri-Uribe
Complementary contribution on the practical significance in the results of Young Self-Report Merino-Soto, César; Calderón-de la Cruz, Gustavo