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| · Representations of elderly people care and social network maps Maldonado Brito, Annie Mehes; Vizeu Camargo, Brigido; Giacomozzi, Andréia Isabel; Berri, Bruna
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| · Psychometric properties of a driving self-efficacy scale-short form in Argentinean drivers Trógolo, Mario A.; Medrano, Leonardo A.; Ledesma, Rubén D.
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| · Inclusive practices in teacher training in Mexico Flores Barrera, Vasthi Jocabed; García Cedillo, Ismael; Romero Contreras, Silvia
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| · Research on depression in adolescents in Peru: a systematic review Navarro-Loli, Jhonatan S.; Moscoso, Manolete; Calderón-De la Cruz, Gustavo
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| · Temperament and social competence in preschool children from San Juan de Lurigancho: a preliminary study Bárrig Jó, Patricia; Alarcón Parco, Danitsa
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| · Variables associated with perceived physical and mental health in university students from Lima Chau, Cecilia; Vilela, Patty
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| · Is experience in the public sector associated with Big Five personality aspects? León, Federico R.
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| · Social support and its association with diet self-care in patients with diabetes Alarcón-Mora, Cynthia; Hernández-Barrera, Lucía; Argüelles-Nava, Vianey; Campos-Uscanga, Yolanda
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| · Influence of study satisfaction on academic procrastination in psychology students: a preliminary study Dominguez-Lara, Sergio Alexis; Campos-Uscanga, Yolanda
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| · Conceptual change: a glance from the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky Raynaudo, Gabriela; Peralta, Olga
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