Editorial |
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| · Replantear la responsabilidad social territorial, hoy: Comparar, cooperar y rehumanizar desde la persona Grimaldo Durán, Humberto
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Review Articles |
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| · Higher Education as a Concept of Common Good: The Challenge Posed by UNESCO Licandro, Oscar Daniel; Yepes Chisco, Sandra Lorena
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| · Ten Fallacies of University Social Responsibility Vallaeys, François
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Original Articles |
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| · Social Responsibility Principles in Higher Education: Confessional Institutions Management Trends Menegat, Jardelino; Fanfa Sarmento, Dirléia; Calderón, Adolfo Ignacio
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Research Articles |
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| · Work-Family Balance and University Social Responsibility. Experiences of Women in Management Positions in Chilean Universities Gaete Quezada, Ricardo
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| · Implementing University Social Responsibility in the Caribbean: Perspectives of Internal Stakeholders Gómez, Lina M; Alvarado Naveira, Yanitzary; Pujols Bernabel, Aileen
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| · Communication and Measurement of the University Social Responsibility: Social Networks and Indicator Proposal Aldeanueva Fernández, Ignacio; Arrabal Sánchez, Gabriel
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| · Adaptation of GRI Standards and Creation of USR Indicators: A Joint Effort between Universitat de Barcelona and Universitat Pompeu Fabra Corretgé Bergua, Roser; Miret Martí, Jordi
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Teaching Experiences |
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| · Design of Serious Games in the Teaching of Social Responsibility in Higher Education RodríguezCarranza, Yemsi Vania
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| · Organization of Conferences in the Classroom: Faculty Innovation and University Social Commitment Ruiz-Bejarano, Aurora María; Alastor, Enrique
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Research Articles |
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| · Experiences on the Initiation to University Teaching in the Faculty of a Mexican Public Institution de la Cruz Rodríguez Pech, Juanita; Alamilla Morejón, Pedro
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| · Digital Competences in Higher Education Professors Fernández-Márquez, Esther; Leiva-Olivencia, Juan José; López-Meneses, Eloy
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| · Computer Sciences applied to Translation Undergraduate Programs in Public Universities in Argentina Bianchini, Martha Inés
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| · Validation of the Parent: Adolescent Communication Scale among University Students from Lima Araujo-Robles, Elizabeth Dany; Ucedo-Silva, Victor Hugo; Bueno-Cuadra, Roberto
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Methodological Articles |
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| · Relationship between the Difficulty and Discrimination Indices Hurtado Mondoñedo, Luis Leoncio
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Academic Review |
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| · The Research Agenda for Higher Education in Peru: Towards the Design of Evidence-Based Public Policies Huayanay-Espinoza, Carlos A; Sánchez-Orellana, Ricardo; Flores-Cordova, Gianfranco; Bringas-Delgado, Reynaldo; Pérez-Romero, Facundo; Huicho, Luis
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