| Table of contents Rev. Cuerpo Med. HNAAA vol.13 no.3 Chiclayo July/Sept 2020 Editorial | | | | · Publications in Peruvian scientific journals related to research priorities in Peru Díaz-Vélez, Cristian; Soto Cáceres, Víctor; Caballero-Alvarado, José
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Analysis of the knowledge, attitudes and preventive practices of the female Peruvian population on HIV-AIDS according to demographic and family health survey (ENDES) 2013- 2017 Pasco-Salcedo, Cecilia Verónica; Puescas-Sanchez, Pablo Ronald; Díaz-Vélez, Cristian
| | | | · Level of uncertainty in adults with rheumatic diseases in a Chiclayo hospital, 2018 Inoñan Damian, Maria del Rosario; Rodríguez Cruz, Lisseth Dolores; Diaz Manchay, Rosa Jeuna
| | | | · Level of knowledge in tuberculosis treatment among doctors in the Lambayeque Region Longobardi-Vásquez, Guadalupe; Díaz-Vélez, Cristian; Villegas-Chiroque, Miguel
| | | | · Features of long term hospital stay patients in general surgery at Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo Díaz-Koo, Cristian Jesús; Fernández-Mogollón, Jorge; Hirakata Nakayama, César
| | | | · Acute kidney injury: Clinical and epidemiological features and kidney function at discharge in a hospital in Peru Palacios-Diaz, Rodolfo; Manay-Guadalupe, Daniel; Osada, Jorge
| | | | · Evaluating the related factors to health-improvement style and the value of health among middle aged women referring to comprehensive health centers of Isfahan in 2016 Sadat Mousavi, Zahra; Goli, Shadi
| | | | · Status of Quality in Strategic Purchasing in the Health System: A Systematic Review Zarei, Zahra; Hesam, Somayeh; Vahdat, Shaghayegh; Manesh, Alireza Oliaei
| | | | · Response to treatment with sodium stibogluconate for cutaneous leishmaniasis in indigenous and mestizo population, Amazonas, 2014-2018 Huyhua-Gutierrez, Sonia Celedonia; Monsalve-Ramirez, Adán; Gonzales-Cornejo, Lizandro; Tejada-Muñoz, Sonia; Díaz-Manchay, Rosa Jeuna; Aguilar-Camán, Marlith
| | | | · Predictive model of neonatal hypoglycemia in a public hospital north of Peru: case-control study Flores-Caballero, Dora; Serna-Alarcón, Victor; Aliaga-Cajan, Jorge; Sandoval-Ato, Raul; Benites-Meza, Jerry K.; Barboza, Joshuan J.
| | | | · Standardization of the new immunohistochemical protocol to identify Helicobacter pylori from gastric biopsies and contrast against Hematoxylin-Eosin staining. Mejía-Parra, Jorge L. Jhoao; Guerrero-Espinoza, Andric Emanuel; Flores-Arrascue, Carlota P.; Chiclayo-Padilla, Alfredo S.
| | | Brief Communication | | | | · Detection of Patotypes of Escherichia coli Strains Causing Childhood Diarrhea in Health Establishments of the Lambayeque-Peru Region, 2018 Yacarini-Martínez, Antero Enrique; Arriaga-Deza, Emma Vanesa; Beltrán-Orbegoso, Raúl Antonio
| | | | · Detection of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in a hospital in northern Peru Díaz-Sipión, Roberto; Guerrero-Mendoza, Mirko; Carrilo-Liza, Romel; Ventura-Flores, Roberto
| | | Case Report | | | | · High pot but no T Manrique Gonzalez, Luis Miguel; Truttmann, Berta; Münzer, Thomas
| | | | · Lumbociatalgia as presentation of a liposarcoma from psoas iliaco muscle: case report Pintado-Guevara, Carlos A.; Vásquez-Tirado, Gustavo; Vitery-Zumaran, Fiorella; Requena Fuentes, Víctor
| | | | · Cervical ectopic pregnancy. Report of two cases Atamari-Anahui, Noé; Paucar-Tito, Liz; Ccorahua-Ríos, Maycol Suker; Morales-Concha, Luz; Girón-López, Lindsay Esther
| | | | · Acantomatous ameloblastoma: Case report and review of the literature Larios-León, Javier; Mansilla-Rodríguez, Juan; Cardeña-Mamani, Rakel; Flores-Alvarez, Willys
| | | Special Contribution | | | | · Dignity and Posthumous Dignity: Respect for the Patient and the Deceased Arriaga-Deza, Emma Vanesa
| | | | · Hexavalent vaccine in Peru. Towards safe and sustained coverage of childhood immunization. Expert consensus Chaparro-Dammert, Luis Eduardo; Campos-Guevara, Francisco; Del Águila, Olguita; Urquizo-Aréstegui, Raúl; Kolevic-Roca, Lenka; Mucha-Lara, Jorge
| | | | · Scientific Writing Series: Cohort studies Quispe, Antonio M.; Porta-Quinto, Thalia; Maita, Yuri A.; Sedano, Claudia A.
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · The possible misuse of the measurement of white blood cells in the stools in decision-making on the prescription of antibiotics in acute diarrhea Virú-Loza, Manuel André
| | | | · Hand Hygiene, a strategy so simple and effective but forgotten at the same time Salazar-Zuloeta, Jaime Ysrael; Pando-Lazo, Rosío del Pilar
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