| Table of contents Rev. investig. vet. Perú vol.34 no.5 Lima Sep./Oct. 2023 Primary Articles | | | | · Evaluation of animal welfare in three municipal slaughter plants in southwestern Ecuador Guevara-Freire, Deysi; Valle, Luciano; Avilés-Esquivel, Diana; Villarroel, Karen; Aguagallo, Joan
| | | | · Comparative efficacy of three anesthetic protocols on cardiac parameters during ovary-hysterectomy in bitches Quimbaya Ramírez, John Jaime; Diaz Tarazona, Jessica Juliana; Gómez Toloza, Yudi Alejandra; De Gennaro, Mariana; Ardila Gómez, Yezid Alexander; Petro Hernández, Víctor Gerardo
| | | | · Evaluation of dexmedetomidine and dexamethasone as adjuvant analgesics in levobupivacaine sciatic and femoral nerve blocks for knee surgery in dogs Cervantes Zapata, María Alejandra; Cartagena Toro, Paula Andrea; Moreno Velásquez, Diego; Ramírez Uscategui, Ricardo Andrés
| | | | · Frequency of ultrasound diagnosis of canine hydrops fetalis and associated variables in a veterinary clinic in Lima, Peru Cuesta T., Gabriela; Cahua U., Jacqueline
| | | | · Nutritional analysis of defatted coconut copra meal for use in rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) feeding Acosta Acosta, Yanixi; La O Michel, Ángel Luis; Valdivié Navarro, Manuel Isidoro; Betancourt Santos, Nelson Nixon; Villalón Moracen, Yudelkis
| | | | · Apparent metabolizable energy and digestibility of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) seed in turkeys of 5 and 10 weeks of age Paredes, Manuel; Albarrán, Neyser
| | | | · Rest times of Panicum maximum and Brachiaria brizantha through three types of cutting Lucero Pita, Josselyn; Gómez Mendoza, Gelacio; Guamán Guamán, Rocío; Villavicencio Abril, Ángel; Ulloa Cortázar, Santiago; Romero Salguero, Edison Javier
| | | | · Agronomic and nutritional assessment of cut-and-carry tropical grasses harvested at different intervals in Yurimaguas, Peruvian Amazon Rupay T., Karen; Ampuero T., Gustavo; Vela G., Carlos; Angulo V., Carlos; Mathios F., Marco; Torres S., Ramiro
| | | | · Effect of ractopamine and Cr-yeast supplementation on leptin levels, haematological variables and fatty acid profile in pigs Trujillo, Luis Guillermo; Hernández Herrera, Darwin Yovanny; Rincón Flórez, Juan Carlos
| | | | · Effect of chicken blood and intestines silages, as partial substitutes for fishmeal, on the growth of tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis niloticus, Linnaeus, 1758) Díaz-Cachay, Catalina; Gamero-Collado, Betty; Alvarez-Verde, Claudio; Llontop-Vélez, Carlos; Zambrano-Cabanillas, Abel Walter
| | | | · Productive performance and intestinal morphometry of broilers subjected to diets including spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) Fuentes N., Nadia; Carcelén C., Fernando; Gutierrez T., Marco; Ara G., Miguel; Nuñez D., Jimny
| | | | · Maximization of economic benefits of fattening guinea pig through feed restriction Meza, Elmer; Orellana, Javier; Astuhuamán, Luis; Mendoza, Gilmar
| | | | · Diagnosis of Equine Metabolic Syndrome in the Colombian Creole Horse in the Bogota Savannah Rosas Gutiérrez, Magnolia; Ariza-Suárez, Angela Cristina
| | | | · Impact of climate effects on milk production of Holstein cattle in Lima, Peru Galván Cavero, Gerardo Antonio; Menendez-Buxadera, Alberto; More Montoya, Manuel José; Gutiérrez Reynoso, Gustavo Augusto
| | | | · Evaluation of down and coarse fibres of llamas (Lama glama) K’ara raised in high Andean conditions of Peru Quispe Peña, Edgar; Machaca Machaca, Virgilio; Paucara Ocsa, Valeriano; Paucar-Chanca, Rufino; Escobedo Enriquez, Max; Huere Peña, Jorge Luis; Aliaga Gutiérrez, Jorge Luis
| | | | · Payment received according to compositional and hygienic quality of raw milk in the Huaura Valley, Peru Chagray A., Néstor; Cosme A., Giovanna; Airahuacho B., Félix; Maguiña-Maza, Rufino; Hidalgo-Vasquez, Yaneline
| | | | · Productive performance of Arapaima gigas in temperate climate ponds Ganoza C., Francisco; Gonzales M., Luis; Prieto D., Cruz; Alvarez V., Jhon; Barreto M., Jesús; Airahuacho B., Felix
| | | | · Characterization of management style based on a two-dimensional model in three types of dairy farms in the province of Lima, Peru Ruiz-García, Luis; Cevallos Ampuero, Juan; Ferrari Gabilondo, Giuliana; Montenegro Vega, Milena; Sandoval-Monzón, Rocio
| | | | · Detection of Fasciola hepatica by indirect ELISA in sheep and goats from Boavita, Colombia Cruz-Estupiñan, Sharon E.; Bulla-Castañeda, Diana M.; Lancheros-Buitrago, Deisy J.; Garcia-Corredor, Diego J.; Giraldo Forero, Julio C.; Pulido-Medellín, Martín O.
| | | | · Sexual dimorphism of the pelvic fins in Potamotrygon motoro (Batoid: Potamotrigonidae) Pérez, Dante; Olea, Gabriela; Blanco Cohene, Tania; Rodriguez, Florencia Evelyn; Flores Quintana, Carolina
| | | | · Effect of single-layer density centrifugation on the quality of cryopreserved sperm of Cuniculus paca Munera C., Daniela; Restrepo B., Giovanni
| | | | · Effect of antibiofilm peptides on microbiological isolates obtained from rom raw cattle milk Cruz Hernández, Claudia; Durán-Rodríguez, Andrea Tatiana; Navarrete Ospina, Jeannette; Salazar P., Luz Mary; Cubides-Cárdenas, Jaime Andrés; Muñoz Molina, Liliana Constanza
| | | | · Use of dogs as security instruments in the municipalities of Peru: Period 2016-2020 Barinotto S., Claudia; León C., Daphne; Falcón P., Néstor
| | | | · Determination of organophosphates and organochlorines in forages and bovine milk produced in Pereira-Risaralda (Colombia) Rodriguez, Jose Alexander; Guevara Garay, Luz Andrea; Díaz Henao, William Antonio; Lee Carmona, Carlos Eduardo; Rubio Londoño, Santiago
| | | | · Law that prioritizes the sterilization of dogs and cats as a component of the national public health policy (Law N° 31311): Scope and applicability in municipalities of Metropolitan Lima Talavera V., Mariana; León C., Daphne; Falcón P., Néstor
| | | | · Protection induced by an attenuated strain of Salmonella Typhimurium in guinea pigs Changanaquí, Christian; Carhuaricra, Dennis; Chang, María; Rosadio, Raúl; Maturrano, Lenin; Luna, Luis
| | | Communications | | | | · First report of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in an albino Central America Agouti (Dasyprocta punctata) in San Martin, Peru Puicón N., Víctor; Bartra R., Alicia; López F., Alicia; Chavera C., Alfonso
| | | | · Surgical alternative for recovery bulls with severe obstructive phimosis Espin-Iturbe, Teresa; Morales-Burguet, Jesús; Cervantes-Acosta, Patricia; Barrientos-Morales, Manuel; López-Aguirre, Samuel
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