| Table of contents Rev. Cuerpo Med. HNAAA vol.15 no.4 Chiclayo Oct./Dec. 2022 Editorial | | | | · About the importance of social media on the dissemination of biomedical scientific journals Curioso, Walter H.
| | | Original Articles | | | | · Self-medication and use of medicinal plants among university students in the Peruvian Amazon during the first wave by COVID-19 Pasache Pinedo, Piero; Diaz Mena, Maxzy Andrea; Flórez Vela, Milagros; Salazar Granara, Alberto
| | | | · Dose of vaccine applied against COVID-19 and recovery of the patient treated in the ICU-COVID. EsSalud-Lambayeque contingency Hospitals. December 2021-February 2022 Pecsén Monteza, José E.; Pecsén Monteza, Valentín A.; Romero Paredes, Rolando R.; Carranza Lent, Fernando M.
| | | | · Risky sexual behavior and porn in a population of adult people in Peru Iglesias-Osores, Sebastián; Saavedra-Camacho, Johnny Leandro; Grández-Villarreal, Melissa; Acosta-Quiroz, Johana del Milagros; Córdova-Rojas, Lizbeth M; Rafael-Heredia, Arturo
| | | | · Association between intimate partner violence against women and chronic malnutrition among children 5 years old or younger: Analysis of the 2020 Demographic and Family Health Survey in Peru Arrascue, Joaquín; Oyola, Almendra; Chapilliquen, Daniela; Villanueva, Daphne; Zapata, Ever; Romaní-Romaní, Franco
| | | | · Early laboratory hematological parameters associated with COVID-19 mortality in an Amazonian population of Peru Iglesias-Osores, Sebastián; Rafael-Heredia, Arturo; Rojas-Tello, Eric R.; Ortiz-Uribe, Washington A.; Leveau-Bartra, Walter R.; Leveau-Bartra, Orison A.; Córdova-Rojas, Lizbeth M.; Colmenares-Mayanga, Wagner; Failoc-Rojas, Virgilio E.
| | | | · The fate of the original rejected articles. Analysis in a public health journal in Latin America Arroyo-Hernández, Hugo; Alarco, J. Jhonnel
| | | | · Narratives of the convalescent plasma donor in a Peruvian social security hospital: motivations, fears, expectations and experiences Matassini Eyzaguirre, Silvana M.; Villanueva Yapa, Christian; Chunga Chunga, Ausberto; Sagastegui Soto, Arturo; Neyra Vera, Ibeth Melania; Soto Ordoñez, Suly; Román, Martina Guillermo; Oyanguren Miranda, Martin; Soto-Becerra, Percy; Hurtado Roca, Leda Yamileé; Maguiña, Jorge L.; Araujo-Castillo, Roger Vladimir
| | | | · Perceptions of spiritual nursing care for patients recovered from Covid-19. A phenomenological exploration Conde Sarango, Ana María; Rodríguez Díaz, Jorge Luis
| | | | · Admission glycemia associated with mortality and hospital stay in a multidisciplinary service of a Peruvian national hospital García-Ruiz, Víctor Raúl; Álvarez-Gamero, Julio César; Salas-Rodríguez, Carolina; Quinto-Reyes, Fernando; Sáenz-Bustamante, Sofia; Paz-Ibarra, José Luis
| | | | · Direct causes of death in diabetic patients in Peru, 2017-2020 Gutierrez-Rodriguez, Raysa A.; Cruz-Nina, Nelson D.; Santander-Cahuantico, Ana C.; Huarcaya-Portilla, Andrés E.; Roque-Roque, Joel S.
| | | | · Type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension as predictors of community-acquired pneumonia in Peruvian older adults with cancer Moncada-Mapelli, Enrique; Urrunaga-Pastor, Diego; Runzer-Colmenares, Fernando M.; Cadena-Sanabria, Miguel Oswaldo; Parodi, José F.
| | | Brief Communication | | | | · Characteristics of infections associated with health care and use of antibiotics in a COVID-19 Intensive Care Unit, in northern Peru: 2020-2021 Cavalcanti-Ramírez, Sofía; Moyano, Luz M.; León-Jiménez, Franco Ernesto
| | | | · Depression and spousal violence in Peruvians pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic Medina Quispe, Camila Ingrid; Quispe Huamani, Yeimy Naysha; Linares Chumbile, Angela; Huaccho Rojas, Juan Jesús; Medina-Quispe, Camila I.; Quispe, Yeimy N.; Linares, Angela; Huaccho-Rojas, Juan
| | | | · Eating behaviour, physical activity and mental health by COVID - 19 quarantine in older adults in Trujillo Cruzado-Joaquín, Analy; Esparza-Varas, Analis L.; Gamboa-Olivares, Debora; Quispe-Lavado, Oscar; Huamán-Saavedra, Juan Jorge
| | | | · Implementation of the teleconsultation service with an emphasis on gastroenterology in the San Pablo Clinic Network (Peru) during the COVID-19 pandemic Huapaya-Huertas, Oscar; Palomino-Rojas, Josselin; Calle-Teixeira, Carlos; Alvarez-Huiman, Gabriel; Rojas-Puell, María José; Taype-Rondan, Alvaro
| | | | · Antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli, according to extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production, in urine cultures. Hospital III-1. Chiclayo, Peru 2020 Sosa Flores, Jorge Luis; Chapoñan Mendoza, Juan Fernando
| | | | · Hyperglycemia is associated with mortality in pediatric intensive care unit Castañeda, Alejandra; Rojas-Vivanco, Paola; Chávez-Valdivia, Alexi; Valdivia-Tapia, María del Carmen; Carreazo, Nilton Yhuri
| | | | · Characteristics of invasive fungal infection in critical patients of the altitude with septic shock Tinoco-Solórzano, Amílcar; Ortiz Ruiz, Guillermo; Montelongo, Felipe de Jesús; Granda Luna, Ignacio; Quispe Cornejo, Armin; Quispe-Montero, Maricela
| | | Case Report | | | | · Uncomplicated acute appendicitis in situs inversus totalis. A case report Idrogo Franklin, Saavedra; Gálvez Díaz, Luis Jorge; Saavedra Paredes, Leslie
| | | | · Primitive peripheral neuroectodermal tumor of the kidney, case report Bustamante Chávez, Rubí X.; Yalta Arce, Herman; Vásquez Sullca, Roy R.
| | | | · The first successful cochlear implant in Latin America after severe aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity in a Peruvian patient cured of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis Pecho-Silva, Samuel; Navarro-Solsol, Ana Claudia; Panduro-Correa, Vicky; Maguina, Jorge L.; Rabaan, Ali A.; Quiroz-Ramirez, Luis Rene; Arteaga-Livias, Kovy; Rodriguez-Morales, Alfonso J.
| | | | · Lamellar ichthyosis. A recurring family case Sosa Flores, Jorge Luis; Zegarra Hinostroza de Lip, Carmen Eva; Merino Escobar, Evelyn Yamilet; Orellano Sánchez, Andy Christopher
| | | | · Severe rhabdomyolysis in an infant with multisystem inflammatory syndrome related to covid -19 (mis-c) Valdivia-Tapia, María del Carmen; Vargas-Vega, Marilú Alicia; Carreazo, NY; Ramírez-Cortez, Grimaldo de los A.
| | | | · Acute mesenteric ischemia associated with Covid-19: case series Tafur-Hoyos, Brenda Aurora Dolores
| | | Special Contribution | | | | · Modernization of Hospital Management in Health Care Institutions Vásquez Sáenz, Oscar Augusto; Montenegro Camacho, Luis Arturo
| | | Critically Appreciated Item | | | | · Inverse relationship between altitude and cardiometabolic risk in the Peruvian population: results of a population-based survey and the importance of waist-to-height ratio as an indicator of cardiometabolic risk Zela-Coila, Frank; Cerron-Daga, Greysi; Porta-Quinto, Thalia
| | | Letters to the Editor | | | | · Treatment cooperative experience between Hospital II EsSalud Cajamarca and Hospital Regional Docente de Cajamarca for cancer treatment during COVID-19 pandemic Lovato, Pedro; Neira, Sara; Huayta, Hans
| | | | · The potential of the Peruvian anti COVID-19 herbal pharmacopoeia Cervera-Ocaña, Martha S.; Fabian-Ramos, Henry S.; Quiñones-Laveriano, Dante M.
| | | | · Is it risky to start oral feeding in a child with diabetic ketoacidosis before it completely resolves? Virú-Loza, Manuel André
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