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Updated onJune 21, 2024
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Publication ofPontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Instituto de la Naturaleza Tierra y Energía
Print version ISSN 2523-2894On-line version ISSN 2709-3689


Revista Kawsaypacha: Sociedad y Medio Ambiente (Kawsaypacha Journal: Society and Environment) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Institute Nature, Earth and Energy of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (INTE-PUCP). It is indexed in LATINDEX, DOAJ, REDIB and others. Recently acepted in SCOPUS (November 2022). Kawsaypacha means “World of Life” in Quechua, a native language of the Andean region. This journal contributes to the academic debate that analyzes the relationship between society and the environment from different perspectives; promotes an interdisciplinary reflection and offers innovative approaches and tools to understand the growing complexity of our relationship with nature and socio-environmental sustainability.


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